Live at Birdland A short story by Terrence Keenan Part of the Fourth Doctor Fiction collection October 8, 1963. New York City. "So, this is New York, Doctor?" "Yes. What do you think?" "It's vast. And noisy!" "Um, well it's always been like this. Similar to London in that aspect." "I do not understand. London seemed more -" "Primitive? That's because it was 1890, not 1963, Leela." The Doctor adjusted his black beret. "That hat looks silly on you, Doctor," Leela said. "So, why are we here again?" "I told you, this is more of your education. We're going to Birdland." The Doctor reached into his pocket and pulled out a pair of Raybans and handed them to his companion. "I thought we were going to see a musician, not birds." The Doctor chuckled. "No, the name of the club is Birdland. We're going to see The John Coltraine Quartet." He watched Leela put on the sunglasses. "Is it not strange to wear dark glasses at night?" "Well, we're trying to blend in with the crowd." The Doctor appraised his companion's outfit: black sweater, black capri pants, black sandals. It was odd to not see Leela in the skins she normally wore. Tonight, however, she looked like your classic beatnik. "I like the clothes, but I should be wearing my boots. These shoes keep falling off." The Doctor ignored the comment. He was now looking down Fifth Avenue, trying to remember where the club was. The last time he went to Birdland it was with Jamie and Zoe to see Bird himself. "This way, I think," the Doctor indicated, extending his long arm to the south. *** The Doctor paid the cover charge at the door, and a host led them to a small table near the edge of the stage. A piano, trap kit and upright bass were arranged on the stage. Leela found she couldn't stop staring at the drum kit. "Doctor, do you think I could go up there and play the drums?" The Doctor frowned. "Leela, you could try, but then we'd be asked to leave." "Maybe if I ask Johncoltriane -" "It's John ... Coltraine." The lights above the table section were turned off. "Sshhh. The show is about to begin," the Doctor admonished with a whisper. *** After the set ended, Coltraine walked over to the Doctor. The two shook hands like old friends. "Good to see you, Doc." "You too, John. How is everything?" 'Fine. The Quartet is going to Europe for a couple of months next week." "That's good." "Who's the lady?" "That's Leela. Leela, this is John Coltraine." Coltraine gently shook the savage's hand. "Nice to meet you. Enjoy the music?" Leela nodded. "Yes. May I ask you a question?" "Sure." Coltraine leaned closer. "Would you mind if I played your drums?" The Doctor frowned, embarrassed by his companion. Coltraine smiled. "Sure, I don't think Elvin would mind." Leela stood up and climbed on stage. She approached the drum kit with reverence. "I'm sorry about this, John." "Not to worry, Doc," Coltraine replied. The sax player pointed to the upright. "Feel like jamming?" The Doctor took off his long coat and scarf. "It's been a while. I'm probably out of practice." "That's what you said last time," Coltraine said. Leela sat down behind the drum kit. She picked up the brushes first, but changed to the sticks. After a few practice raps on the snare, she started to play a simple swing tempo. Coltraine and the Doctor watched in amazement. "She's a natural, Doc!" "Well, she knows a lot more than she lets on," the Doctor replied, picking up the bass. He silently counted off in his head before joining his companion with a smooth walking line. Coltraine came in on the sax after that, playing a bluesy melody. The Doctor played the bass with skill and precision, each note perfectly blending in with the one before and setting up the next to be played. Leela played with passion and aggression, attacking the drums with a savage grace befitting her personality. The whole time the trio jammed, Leela glowed with excitement, her face showing an intensity that only showed up during times of battle. *** The trio jammed for a good hour, watched by the other members of Coltraine's quartet and staff of the club. Finally, they stopped. Those watching applauded the mini showcase. Leela stood up and smiled, her body covered in sweat from the effort of her playing. The Doctor put the bass on the ground carefully. Coltraine asked for some water to be brought up. "You sure you and your friend don't want to go on tour, Doc?" Coltraine asked. "Sorry, John. As much as I'd like to, I have a few pressing needs to take care of," the Doctor replied, checking his fingertips. Coltraine turned to Leela, who was drinking a large glass of water. "And you were fabulous. You've played before, right?" "Only with the Sevateem." "It's an underground percussion collective in England," the Doctor interjected. "You have skill, and moreover, you have passion." "Thank you," Leela replied. "Well, I think we should be going," the Doctor said, gathering his hat and coat. "It was great seeing you, John." "You too, Doc." Coltraine started breaking down his saxophone. "We'll have to jam again soon." *** Leela and the Doctor stood outside the club. There was a slight breeze in the night air. "Since when did you play a musical instrument, Doctor?" Leela asked. "Well, I haven't played bass for a long time. I was taught by an eccentric young man called Claypool." "Claypool?" "In fact, he was born in California this year," the Doctor said, looking up at the starless night sky. "Can I meet him?" "Possibly," The Doctor pulled out a pocket watch and checked the time. "Come along, Leela. We have to get going." "Back to the TARDIS?" "Yes. We've an errand to run. After that, we can try to see Claypool."